toc and abstract.
2018.1.19 星期五 18:32
一 General
1.1 Overview
An SFU (Selective Forwarding Unit)
1 mediasoup goals
2 Server side
3 Client side
1.2 Glossay
Both mediasoup and mediasoup-client refer to the same common entities that are represented in both client and server sides
1 Room
2 Peer
3 Transport
4 Producer
5 Consumer
6 Profile
1.3 mediasoup protocol
Although mediasoup does not implement a signaling protocol, both the client (mediasoup-client) and the server (mediasoup) must exchange messages. Those messages can be request/response pairs or notifications, and can be sent in both directions.
1 Request/response pairs and notifications
2 Message target
3 Message examples
It’s up to the application how to correlate those requests and their associated responses, for example by enveloping the request and its response into a signaling transaction that uses a id field to match them.
1.4 RTC stats
Similar to WebRTC and ORTC, mediasoup provides stats in server side. If enabled, they are also delivered to mediasoup-client.
Currently stats are generated for the following entities:
- WebRtcTransport
- Producer
- Consumer
Stats are an Array of Objects.
$_EXCULDE: 好像和自己没多大关系
二 mediasoup
2.1 Installation
2.2 API
1 mediasoup
2 Server
3 Room
4 Peer
5 Transport
6 WebRtcTransport
7 PlainRtpTransport
8 Producer
9 Consumer
0 ActiveSpeakerDetector
1 RtpStreamer
2 errors
2.3 Debugging
1 Log levels
- “mediasoup:mediasoup-worker”
- “mediasoup:WARN:mediasoup-worker”
- “mediasoup:ERROR:mediasoup-worker”
2 Enable logging
$ export DEBUG="mediasoup*"
$ node myapp.js
# or:
$ DEBUG="mediasoup*" node myapp.js
process.env.DEBUG = "mediasoup*"
const mediasoup = require("mediasoup");
$ export DEBUG="mediasoup:WARN:* mediasoup:ERROR:*"
3 Log tags
$ export DEBUG="mediasoup:mediasoup-worker:* *ERROR*"
$ node myapp.js
const mediasoup = require("mediasoup");
const server = mediasoup.Server({
logLevel : "debug",
logTags : [ "ice" ]
2.4 Building
三 mediasoup-client
3.1 Installation
3.2 API
1 mediasoupClient
2 Room
3 Transport
4 Producer
5 Peer
6 Consumer
3.3 Debugging
1 Log levels
2 Enable logging
window.localStorage.setItem('debug', 'mediasoup-client:WARN* mediasoup-client:ERROR*');
<script src='/js/your-bundled-app.js'></script>